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How to get MSI file information with PowerShell

How to get MSI file information with PowerShell If you’re an ConfigMgr administrator like me, you will often find yourself in the situation where you may want to get the Product Code from a MSI file. Or perhaps you’re interested in the Product Version or simply just the Product Name. A while back I wrote a simple PowerShell script that can assist with just that, for some reason I forgot to post about it so here goes. As this is going to be a short post, I’ll not go much into detail on how it works, instead I’ll just give you the script. Script 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [IO.FileInfo]$Path, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("ProductCode","ProductVersion","ProductName")] [string]$Property ) try {     $WindowsInstaller = New-Object -ComObject WindowsInstaller.Installer     $MSIDatabase = $WindowsInstaller.Get...

Как посмотреть квоты Active Directory для определенного пользователя?

dsget user "CN=Кобзарев Дмитрий Валерьевич,OU=Headquarter,OU=Users,OU=LENMOR,DC=lmniip,DC=spb,DC=ru" -part DC=lmniip,DC=spb,DC=ru -qlimit -qused Данный способ - устаревший. В будущем планируется использовать командлеты PowerShell. Вот соответствие устаревших команд новым командлетам PowerShell (искать в гугле): PowerShell-Cmd-Line-Conversion-Guide-AD.pdf

Распространение настроек для DameWare через GPO. Для того, чтобы НЕ АДМИНЫ могли подключаться.

MANAGING DMRC ACCESS SETTINGS USING A GPO INTRODUCTION Access settings for DameWare Mini Remote Control are configured directly in the MRC Client Agent. They are stored locally in the client machine which could create a difficulty when trying to manage them on multiple computers. However, since these settings are stored in the Windows Registry, it is possible to configure a GPO to apply changes to these settings across a domain. This document provides a guide on how to use the Group Policy Management Editor in order to manage these settings. It provides reference to the Registry Keys that are used to set the MRC Client Agent access settings and how to configure them without having to use the agents GUI. 1- ACCESS CONFIGURATION REGISTRY SUBKEYS The following is a list of the registry subkeys stored by the Mini Remote Control associated to the Access configuration. All these subkeys are located under the key: HKLM\Software\DameWare Development\Mini Remote Contr...